Past Seminars

Here is the list of our past seminars:

Philippe Marcq (PCC, Institut Curie, Paris). Biophysics seminar ENS-ESPCI. - Philippe Marcq

Friday 29 September 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 - ENS, Conf IV, 2nd floor

From cells to tissue: A continuum model of epithelial mechanics

A continuum model of epithelial tissue mechanics is formulated using
cellular-level mechanical ingredients and cell morphogenetic processes,
including cellular shape changes and cellular rearrangements. This model
incorporates stress and deformation tensors, which can be compared with
experimental data. Focusing on the interplay between cell shape changes
and cell rearrangements, we elucidate dynamical behavior underlying
passive relaxation, active contraction-elongation, and tissue shear
flow. Extensions of the model allow to incorporate additional
ingredients, such as cell division, cell death, and cell motility.

Recent seminars  (0)

Philippe Marcq (PCC, Institut Curie, Paris). Biophysics seminar ENS-ESPCI. - Philippe Marcq

Friday 29 September 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 - ENS, Conf IV, 2nd floor

From cells to tissue: A continuum model of epithelial mechanics

A continuum model of epithelial tissue mechanics is formulated using
cellular-level mechanical ingredients and cell morphogenetic processes,
including cellular shape changes and cellular rearrangements. This model
incorporates stress and deformation tensors, which can be compared with
experimental data. Focusing on the interplay between cell shape changes
and cell rearrangements, we elucidate dynamical behavior underlying
passive relaxation, active contraction-elongation, and tissue shear
flow. Extensions of the model allow to incorporate additional
ingredients, such as cell division, cell death, and cell motility.

Seminar archive  (219)


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How master regulators coordinate antibiotic resistance without sacrificing downstream specialization

Invited Speaker: Nicholas Rossi (University of Vermont). How master regulators coordinate antibiotic resistance without sacrificing downstream (...) 

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